Best Microfiber Cleaning Cloths Reviews for 2018

Once I started using microfiber cloths to clean around the house, I knew they are here to stay. They not only wipe off dust and bacteria effectively, the best microfiber cleaning cloths are even capable of removing viruses. This linked study presents the evidence for virus removal using microfiber cloths. The use of micro-technology in … Read more

How to Clean with Microfiber Cloth – the way to a dust free home

There was no looking back after I figured how to clean with microfiber. It gets rid of dust effectively and quite effortlessly, creating a dust free home for my eczema warriors who have dust mite allergy. Using microfiber also paves the way to green and natural cleaning, as I can now do away with chemical-laden … Read more

How to Heal Eczema Naturally

This article dwells in detail about how to heal eczema naturally. But the short answer is here: giving first priority to healing from the inside out will wake the body up to righting itself. Support this by outside-in natural applications, to ease the symptoms so the mind and spirit stay strong enough to boost the … Read more

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