A Guide to Eczema Elimination Diet – the reintroduction phase

Going on a strict eczema elimination diet is so worth it, because it works. But it hasn’t been easy, especially with children. We had our fair share of struggles – tantrums, cheating, turning the kitchen inside out to cater to the needs of the diet, massive effort in preparing different versions of each meal for … Read more

Best Salt Baths for Eczema

Whether it’s Epsom salt, dead sea salt, or Himalayan salt, salt baths for eczema warriors are the best remedy as they contain the Earth’s natural minerals. Many minerals found in salt baths are nourishing, some aid healing, others are anti-inflammatory, and yet others are calming and promote better sleep. In this other article, we discuss … Read more

Using Diet to Help Eczema – why doesn’t it work?

To heal eczema naturally, diet is key. Many people have looked into their diet to help eczema, and succeeded in clearing it completely. If you have been trying to deal with your eczema through improving your diet, and found that it does not seem to help much, it could be due to one of these … Read more

Antibiotics and Eczema – not a good match

Having a flu and a fever? Sore throat? Runny nose and cough? Ear infection? Here, take this round of antibiotics. This is an everyday occurrence in any general practitioner’s clinic. I have grown up well and healthy on this approach to illnesses. But this is not for everyone. Definitely not for eczema warriors, as antibiotics … Read more

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